New Year

It’s been a minute since we’ve blogged… so here goes nothing! Fast and furious was our Fall, Winter came in a blip, then into the new year we were. 2018 brought us some great opportunity. We worked with some really wonderful people that supported our vision and trusted our instincts and it resulted in some of our favorite projects to date. That’s what surrounding yourself with good people will do. So at the end of the year we celebrated in our usual fashion, a late lunch with champagne and a discussion over wins and losses. What worked, what didn’t, what we learned. Always, always we are learning and getting better. Tweaking and refining and trying our best.


2019 we have some clear goals. Reaching beyond what we have done in the past and striving towards big ideas that have been inside our heads for quite some time. Wishing there were more hours in the day and knowing we can only do so much in a day. Thanks for sticking with us, thanks for joining our tribe of supporters and liking our work, and cheering us on in person and online. Those little likes excite us and make us want to create more. I know this word gratitude is overused lately, but thats what we truly are. Grateful.

Here’s to a new year (almost 2 months in now) that is filled with more joy, letterpress, snail mail and a few more Hens’ watercolor designs spreading into the world.


All photos by Mary Craven Photography

Hens Holidays with Mary Craven Photography

We have not dabbled much in the world of Christmas cards, but this year we did something special and partnered with Mary Craven Photography. MC lives here in Nashville and lets just go ahead and say, she's a killer photographer. Has a great eye and can temp any child into a quick smile and natural laugh, all in the perfect lighting. She has a gift and it's fun to support a fellow small biz. lady out there hustling. Here are some pics from our collaboration.